Free Valuation


Since your business is likely one of your greatest assets, it's only wise for you to have a grasp on the value of it even if you're not looking to sell today. Feel free to reach out if you would be interested in having me put together a no-cost valuation.

      Our evaluation goes beyond the simple multiple of earnings   

      method. There are intangible pieces to every business that 

      could impact a valuation in a major way.

        We ask questions like:

  1. What is your role in the business and are there any personal relationships with customers that may be at jeopardy of being lost when you exit?
  2. Are there any key employees? If so, what do they do and would they plan on staying on with a new owner?
  3. Do you have a concentration with any customers that account for a high percentage of your total revenue?
  4. Do you have any recurring revenue or contracts that we should be aware of?
  5. If you are in a property lease agreement, are those terms favorable? Is the lease transferrable?


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